TOP 5 VEGGIES FOR IMMUNITY Posted on 14 July 20215 November 2021 by Michelle Jones Just by getting your daily intake of five to nine servings, you help build your body’s immunity to many diseases and common colds and flu like viruses. So what are the top veggies? Here is a list of our top 5: Tomatoes : Technically a fruit; tomatoes are packed with vitamins from A to K and are also renowned for reducing the amount of free radicals in our bodies and keeping our blood pressure in check. Carrots: These orange-wonders are loaded with eye, skin and hair-enriching nutrients. Rich in vitamin C, carrots protect your cardiovascular system from damage. Broccoli: A big one for its disease fighting capabilities. Full of vitamin C and beta-carotene, definitely one not to avoid around winter when trying to fight colds and flues. Spinach: This chlorophyll-packed type of produce is an excellent source of almost every vitamin and nutrient you need. Some scientists believe a diet heavy in spinach may be able to prevent everything from heart disease to colon cancer, and arthritis to osteoporosis. Sweet potatoes: This root vegetable has dozens of nutrients like vitamin A, C and manganese. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of fibre and iron. This means that, not only do they give you energy, they can also help regulate your digestive system. For help on your specific nutritional plan, please speak to one of our qualified personal trainers.